Protection of the Crime Scene: Initial Assessment When arriving at the scene of the crime, the Private detective in Pakistan or private investigator in Lahore or a private detective in Karachi must conduct an immediate assessment. This will allow him/her to determine the kind of crime scene that requires medical attention or are at risk of contamination by the public as well as first responders as well as where crucial evidence pieces are located. Identifying the Perimeter and establishing Cordons The IO will then have to ensure that all members of the public are not infecting the scene. They should first establish the area around the crime scene which needs to be controlled. After this has been identified, the IO should create three layers of cordons and help by other Police officers or citizens to enforce the cordons. To aid in teaching the typical crime scene could be divided into three layers as follows.
- The layer is the innermost.
- The outer layer
- The layer for traffic management

Protection of the Crime Scene (including the evacuation of victims) Step 2: Safety Clearance In the Inner Layer Outside Layer (Command Zone) Layer of Traffic Management by a private detective in Pakistan or private investigator in Lahore or a private detective in Karachi. Consider the instance of a crime scene that is outdoors like the one that occurs in a lot of terrorist attacks Inner Layer/Cordon: The Inner layer is the primary crime scene and is home to the bulk of the evidence required to be secured and urgent measures should be taken to ensure this. For instance, if there was an attack is done in a public place it is likely that there will be numerous individuals, including families with children. If there’s been an attack within a particular section of the park and dead bodies are in the park, the public should be stopped from entering and exiting of the zone. The responder must cordon off the area from any public disturbance. The zone must be kept from public view by the responding officers (i.e. and any additional police force that is required) and barriers have to be put in place to signal that access beyond a specific limit is not permitted.
Outer Layer/Cordon: Once the core area is secured, or that is to say, the inner cordon is put in place, the next level of barriers needs to be set up. This is known as the outer layer or cordon. The outer cordon functions as the command area in which all personnel who are responding, i.e. police officers, Bomb Disposal Unit (BDU) officials Forensic experts or private detective in Pakistan or private investigator in Lahore or a private detective in Karachi, for instance. can establish their post of command and maintain their equipment. The outer cordon also serves as a buffer zone that separates people and the crime scene, and only authorized officials are permitted. Its size and perimeter depend upon the specific situation and the place of the incident. The outer cordon needs to be enough from the inside cordon to not affect the integrity of important evidence on the site due to the presence of the responders and their equipment or their footprints, computer analysis in an investigation, etc. It is preferential to have as wide a space as feasible in the present conditions.
This outer cordon needs to be situated at a suitable distance. In the same way as the public park example that was mentioned above, if an incident took place located in the middle of a cricket pitch in a public park, then the area in which the victims were located is divided as the inner cordon, and the boundaries of the field that is the cricket part of the park must be separated from an outer line. Cordons by Private detective in Pakistan or private investigator in Lahore or a private detective in Karachi should be constructed using biohazard or crime scene tape. It is brightly colored and signals that the area that lies beyond the tape is a crime scene that could present hazards for anyone passing through. This tape might not be always available, consequently, other materials like rope or another object could be used to mark the cordons. Everyone who is crossing within and outside of the area must require a signature out and in to ensure security in the area and in order make sure only authorized persons have access to the scene of the crime. This can also reduce the possibility of contamination of evidence.
Traffic Layer/Cordon final cordon is called the traffic which will be most often regulated by the traffic police who are responding through computer analysis in investigation. The cordon is a barrier that separates traffic and the general public from the outside and the inner cordons. Traffic police officers are also accountable for establishing alternative routes for vehicles that pass through or around the zone. This can be a challenge due to the number of people living in the area, the surrounding area, and, most importantly, the timing of the incident. In the case of parks that are public, they might be located near schools and could be situated in an area of residential and this could cause more chaos and obstacles in protecting the cordons in a timely and secure method. Setting a path for Paramedics. At the earliest possible time, the IO must coordinate with health specialists or paramedics to take care of and remove patients from the site. The IO must establish a route that is adhered to by all healthcare professionals that must be followed by them. This will ensure the minimum amount of contamination of evidence occurs by the first responders. The way that is determined must be determined after a thorough evaluation of the site to identify the most effective way for first responders to adopt to ensure they can assist victims, reduce any danger to their safety, and reduce the risk of contamination of evidence.